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Saturday, 16 February 2013

Early delta Intailization

With this option data can be written to the delta queue during an initialization request.   It avoids the downtime required when you initialize your LO extractors - it creates a delta queue for taking in new records while the init is being carried out instead of creating the delta queue after the init is successful. This option is not able with all the DataSources. 

Go to SE16 --> table name as ROOSOURCE
In the next screen give the data source name and execute.  If field ZDD_ABLE in the result has value X, then data supports for early delta initialization.  If it has space, then it doesn't support.

Steps for Early delta Initialization

1.Initialize Early delta in the BI system.

2. Go and fill setup tables

3. Do a full load to BI

4. Run delta job in R/3 (LBWE)

5. Run delta job in BI Info package