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Monday, 30 April 2012

BI Query Runtime Statistics

BW 3.5 (NW04)

In case, you are using BEx Analyzer or the browser for executing the query, you can see the query runtime statistics in the BW system only if the BW statistics for the InfoCube are activated on which the query is running.

Therefore, please activate the BW statistics on all the Basic InfoCubes on which the query is running. You can do this from TCode: RSDDSTAT or from RSA1-> Tools -> BW Statistics for InfoProviders.

Now, execute the query from BEx or the portal and after executing login to the BW system (ABAP system) and go to Transaction SE16.

In transaction SE16, enter the table name as (Table Name = RSDDSTAT)and in the QueryID field enter the technical name of the "query" and then press execute.

Now, you will see all the runtime statistics for the query, like the total runtime, DB time, OLAP time and the frontend time.

The other way to see the query details is to run the same query in the "Query Monitor" (TCode : RSRT) with the option "execute and debug" and in the options select "display runtime statistics". After you execute the query on the output screen, just go back and you will see the query statistics for the current exection of the query.

BI 7.0 (NW 7.0)

Same things need to be followed here also.

The difference is that you can activate the BI statistics on a query also in case of BI 7.0.

Therefore, from "RSA1 -> Tools -> Settings for BI statistics" or from TCode: RSDDSTAT, activate the statistics on the query, you are referring to.

Now, after running the query in BEx Web Analyzer or BEx Excel addin, you can again go to SE16 and here now, you need to enter the table name as "RSDDSTAT_OLAP" to see the new BI query runtime statistics.

For getting the details of the DM time, you can also use the RSDDSTAT_DM table.

The other option of RSRT is also valid in this case.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

SAP BI Certification Infolinks

Links and information about the certifications offered by SAP in the BI Space. Common questions regarding BI certification are addressed and relevant links provided.
There are lots of question floating arounds related to BI certification. This Wiki is for those who has already thought of taking the exam. If you are still
doubtfull, check here:

SAP provides three levels of Certification in BI.
Certification Syllabus SAP Consultant Certification Solution Consultant SAP NetWeaver 2004s - Business Intelligence
For more details, check here :

2 . C_TBW45_70:- SAP Certified Application Associate- Business Intelligence with SAP NetWeaver 7.0
check here

3. P_BIE_70 - SAP Certified Application Professional - BI Enterprise DataWarehousing with SAP Net Weaver 7.0
checkhere :

These certification exams vary in their level of difficulties and different pattern. For example:C_TBW45_04S will have 80 questions to be answerd in 3 hours whereas C_TBW45_70 will have 90question in 3 hours. Also,
you will get partial credit in the former but no such privilegesin later exam
.There are no better study materials than TBWs. Which all TBWs to be read, check the syallabus here:

These can be downloaded from Internet. Besides these TBWs, there are some important links - which is listed below:
Simulation Test:
Some Important Documents on SDN:
Threads Related to Certification:
Miscellaneous Links:

Real time BI Interview Questions

By: leela naveen

This are questions I faced. If u have any screen shots for any one of the question provide that one also.
1. We have standard info objects given in sap why you created zinfo objects can u tell me the business scenario
2. We have standard info cubes given in sap why you created zinfo cubes can u tell me the business scenario
3. In keyfigure what is meant by cumulative value, non cumulative value change and non cumulative value in and out flow.
4. when u creating infoobject it shows reference and template what is it
5. what is meant by compounding attribute tell me the scenario?
6. I have 3 cubes for that I created multiprovider and I created a report for that but I didn’t get data in that report what happen?
7. I have 10 cubes I created multiprovider I want only 1 cube data what u do?
8. what is meant by safety upper limit and safety lower limit in all the deltas tell me one by one for time stamp, calender day and numberic pointer?
9. I have 80 queries which query is taking so much time how can you solve it
10. In compression level all requests are becoming zero which data is compressing tell me detail
11. what is meant by flat aggregate?explain in detail
12. I created process chain 1st day it taking 10 min after that 1st week it taking 1 hour after that next time it taking 1 day with a same loads what happen how can u reduce the time of loading
13. how can u know the cube size? in detail show me u have screen shots
14. where can we find transport return codes
15. I have a report it taking so much time how can I rectify
16. what is offset? Without offset we create queries?
17. I told my process chains nearly 600 are there he asked me how can u monitor I told him I will see in rspcm and bwccms he asked is there any third party tools is there to see? Any tools are there to see tell me what it is
18. how client access the reports
19. I don’t have master data it will possible to load transaction data? it is possible is there any other steps to do that one
20. what is structure in reporting?
21. which object based you created extended star schema?
22. what is line item dimension tell me brief
23. what is high cardinality tell me brief
24. process chain is running I have to stop the process for 1 hour after that re runn the process where it is stopped?
in multiprovider can I use aggregations
25. what is direct schedule and what is meta chain
26. which patch u used presently? How can I know which patch that one?
27. how can we increase data packet size
28. hierarchies are not there in bi?why
29. remodeling is applied only on info cube? why not dso/ods?
30. In jump queries we can jump any transactions just like rsa1, sm37 etc it is possible or not?
31. why ods activation fail? What types of fails are there? What are the steps to handle
32. I have a process chain is running the infopackage get error don’t process the error of that info package and then you can run the dependent variants is it possible?

Give me any performance and loading issues or support issues
Reporting errors, Loading errors, process chain errors?

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Error: " Settings for material conversion not found".

§  Try to execute report (transaction se38) RSCC_V_TMCNV helps.
Set the length of 0MATERIAL to 18
oss note 555675
Make the settings for the material number conversion.
 In BW Release 2.1C, the settings are maintained for the material number conversion via report RSCC_V_TMCNV.
As of BW Release 3.0A, the settings are maintained for the material number conversion via transaction OMSL.
Select the same settings as the settings made in the OLTP system.
Note that you must also perform the setting in client 000 if the error occurred while you were importing a transport request.