BW 3.5 (NW04)
In case, you are using BEx Analyzer or the browser for executing the query, you can see the query runtime statistics in the BW system only if the BW statistics for the InfoCube are activated on which the query is running.
Therefore, please activate the BW statistics on all the Basic InfoCubes on which the query is running. You can do this from TCode: RSDDSTAT or from RSA1-> Tools -> BW Statistics for InfoProviders.
Now, execute the query from BEx or the portal and after executing login to the BW system (ABAP system) and go to Transaction SE16.
In transaction SE16, enter the table name as (Table Name = RSDDSTAT)and in the QueryID field enter the technical name of the "query" and then press execute.
Now, you will see all the runtime statistics for the query, like the total runtime, DB time, OLAP time and the frontend time.
The other way to see the query details is to run the same query in the "Query Monitor" (TCode : RSRT) with the option "execute and debug" and in the options select "display runtime statistics". After you execute the query on the output screen, just go back and you will see the query statistics for the current exection of the query.
BI 7.0 (NW 7.0)
Same things need to be followed here also.
The difference is that you can activate the BI statistics on a query also in case of BI 7.0.
Therefore, from "RSA1 -> Tools -> Settings for BI statistics" or from TCode: RSDDSTAT, activate the statistics on the query, you are referring to.
Now, after running the query in BEx Web Analyzer or BEx Excel addin, you can again go to SE16 and here now, you need to enter the table name as "RSDDSTAT_OLAP" to see the new BI query runtime statistics.
For getting the details of the DM time, you can also use the RSDDSTAT_DM table.
The other option of RSRT is also valid in this case.